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Extinction Event?

The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media. How important? First consider…

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Techno-optimism meets its match

According to the extremely conservative International Energy Agency (IEA), we've passed the world peak for conventional oil (in 2006, they say). In a stunning nod to reality, even the New York Times agrees. In a bizarre case of committee-style cognitive…

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Why I Write

I will be the first to register when I see an advertisement for the conference of my dreams. This conference focuses on the collapse of industrial 'civilization.' Such a collapse would wreak havoc on my 403(c), my 401(k), and my IRA. But it might save a few of the species and cultures that have managed to elude our iron fist, and that's worth much more than the few dollars in my retirement funds.
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