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Muddling along

After a woefully inept introduction, this essay forces me to stare into the abyss of planet-destroying myth. If you believe we're headed for a muddle-through future in which we correct massive ecological overshoot with the tranquility of Buddhist monks, this…

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Balance is for Buddhists

Balance is a central tenet of Buddhism, foundational to the four noble truths and the eight-fold way. Balance is a superb notion and I strongly support, for individuals at least, balance, moderation, and many other principles of Buddhism. Indeed, had Buddhism found roots in this country a couple hundred years ago, we probably would have avoided, or at least delayed, the series of catastrophes we now face. But with fewer than one percent of the American population dedicated to Buddhism, it’s a little late for balance and moderation to work their magic at the scale of this country, much less planet Earth (as if even one percent of Americans give a damn about planet Earth).

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Denial, Back in Style

Yesterday I delivered a presentation to a room full of Honors College students, peppered with a few faculty and administrators. The response was overwhelmingly disappointing. Seems nearly everybody in the room — and in the country, for that matter — wants to keep the current game going, no matter the costs. They don’t view civilization as a problem at all, evidence notwithstanding, and they think the solution to our fossil-fuel dilemma is to drive less and bicycle more.

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U.S. economy locked in spiral of death

The U.S. economy is moving in ever-tighter, ever-accelerating spirals. This, mind you, despite ongoing attempts to prop up the economy in the name of staving off a recession by Ben Bernanke and the ghouls at the Fed, Hank Paulson and his gangsters at Treasury Department, and Dubya and his cabal of criminals.

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