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Empire of lies

Benny and the Inkjets are tossing the money around, but it didn't pump up the industrial economy the last time and QE2 will be no better, even if the next version is expectedly gihugic. He's destroying the dollar in the…

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The prototypical disaster

The Financial Times gives us comprehensive coverage of the “disaster” in Davos even as unrest breaks out throughout the industrialized world (e.g., France and England, but not yet in the U.S., likely because we still have food at the grocery store, water coming out the taps, and American Idol on the television). As we descend further into the abyss of the industrial economy’s unwinding, we can expect widespread rioting to spread further, finding its way to the U.S. within the year. Considering this backdrop, it’s informative to glimpse into history at similar events. Since we’ve before never witnessed the end of industrialized civilization, I’m turning to a fictional account.

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