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Many of you have demonstrated your support for my work with your generous contributions. Clearly I am writing for a concerned and aware citizenry. I very much appreciate your support. I have nothing else to request from donors who faithfully support this site. I do ask that others join them.

I promote and practice an economy based on gifts. Humans exchanged gifts for nearly three million years before bartering and exchanging currency. I speak and write for no charge, although I accept gifts of fiat currency here. You may donate via PayPal simply by using the subscription button below or by using my email address: If we are friends, please use the “friends and family” option offered by PayPal to minimize PayPal’s cut.

My goal is donors who are sufficiently generous to provide a monthly income of $2,000. This modest base will allow me to continue my work. Thus far, 34 donors are contributing a total of $317 monthly. These figures are updated as they change.

I am receptive to non-monetary donations, too, subject only to your creativity. For example, I would appreciate your generosity with respect to frequent-flyer miles. If you prefer to use Bitcoin, the relevant BTC address is 1AvSFP96HeQa1MC5tvzkrdiAxDR3uH658M

Please bear in mind that I do not charge for any of my work. In addition to the options listed below, one-time donations can be made via PayPal by using my email address,

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