About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
A presentation with audio and another about bioenergy
Two presentations follow. The first focuses on the twin sides of the fossil fuel coin and what we can do about it, as presented in Louisville, Kentucky earlier this week. It’s similar to many presentations I’ve given recently and it includes an audio file, so you can follow along with the slides. The second was presented at International Bioenergy Days 2010 in Rockford, Illinois. As usual, the formats are awkward here, requiring you to download the large files as read-only Powerpoint documents. As usual, an email request will result in me sending you the original Powerpoint file(s).
When I discuss mitigation for ecological and economic collapse, I stress the crucial role of human community. And I’m not the only one: A few students with whom I am working this semester are focusing on how to communicate in community, with full awareness where we are and where we’re headed. They have developed a blog, and I encourage your participation as we struggle to find our way in a world turned inside out.
Louisville, Kentucky public library Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Audio file (special thanks to Nate Pederson for recording and archiving the presentation — may he attract the attention of the government as a result)
Powerpoint (pdf)
International Bioenergy Days 2010 presentation Monday, 27 September 2010
Powerpoint (pdf)