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A Subtle “Hit Piece” is Still a “Hit Piece”

During the week of 21 March 2022, Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein asked to interview me via email. His message included mention of his work on climate change for more than 20 years. I submitted to his interview, which was conducted via Zoom the morning of 29 March 2022.

This was not my first interview with the corporate media. Suspecting what Mr. Borenstein had in mind, early during our conversation I quoted to him a line from American showman P.T. Barnum: “I don’t give a damn what you say about me, just so you spell my name right.”

Early in our conversation, the nature of Mr. Borenstein’s comments indicated he had read my “Relevant Points for Interviewers”, and therefore knew better than to openly libel me. However, his frequent mention of comments about me by Michael Mann and Kim Cobb suggested he was not interested in presenting me or my work in a favorable light. According to information freely available online, Mr. Borenstein is a parent, a status he shares with Mann and Cobb. Mann fathered at least one child more than five years after initially publishing the “hockey stick” notion of abrupt climate change in the 23 April 1998 issue of Nature. Cobb, on the other hand, has four children.

I pointed out to Mr. Borenstein that my exposure to the 1972 Club of Rome report, Limits to Growth, provided me sufficient information to forgo having children. I made that decision in 1979. Mann and Cobb are younger than me, yet they apparently have not been informed that Earth has an overabundance of humans.

I then explained to Mr. Borenstein that I have long known that the monetary system underlies the ongoing Mass Extinction Event, which is well underway. As a result, I opted out of the monetary system nearly 13 years ago. Mr. Borenstein was, and is, clearly unimpressed. In fact, he told me during our conversation that making such a sacrifice as living off-grid makes me, in the eyes of people he has interviewed, “crazy.”

Yes, that is correct. I identified a serious problem. I took action that attempted to solve the problem, and therefore showed the way for others to join me. The response? I’m “crazy.”

I’ve been accused by the Lying Michael Mann of promoting inaction by collating, organizing, and promulgating the work of other scientists (kudos to Kevin Hester for correctly modifying Mann’s full name). Meanwhile, I have led by example in taking serious actions others are unwilling to take. In response, I’m dubbed “crazy.”

I doubt you heard it here first.

The expected hit piece appeared this morning, courtesy of the Associated Press. It included the usual opinions without supporting evidence from the Lying Michael Mann and crew. Video recorded by Pauline is embedded below.


I wrote this blog post a few days in advance of the article in the Associated Press. I sent it to Seth Borenstein two days before I posted it here. He proceeded apace, as expected.



Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Article:

McPherson, Guy R., Beril Sirmack, and Ricardo Vinuesa. March 2022. Environmental thresholds for mass-extinction events. Results in Engineering (2022), doi:

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