About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Adventures in Ecuador
I’ve spent the last several days in rural Ecuador. I consulted with my hostess regarding her homestead, delivered a presentation, and facilitated a grief-recovery workshop. Embedded below is the introductory portion of the workshop, with the presentation to follow in a future post. Both clips were shot and edited by Pauline Schneider, who also facilitated the workshop with me. You can support Pauline’s work by clicking here.
Grief Recovery Workshop from Pauline Schneider on Vimeo.
Choices, by John Hechtman
It’s a question of degrees
On your feet, or on your knees
To survive, or to resist
The price you’ll pay, just to exist
We all die, you must allow
Only, some of us choose how
I was interviewed by Michael Welch for Global Research in early May 2014. The resulting audio can be found here, with my segment beginning at the 45:07 mark.
My work is featured in an essay at Dissident Voice. It’s here.