About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Adventures in Winnipeg
I was invited to Winnipeg by Lama Gerry Kopelow, in part to participate in a retreat at the Dharma Centre he founded. The three-day retreat in early February included a series of meditations, and provided an excellent follow-up to the grief-recovery workshop I attended two weeks earlier.
In addition to the retreat, Gerry organized a few public events and a couple interviews. Recorded results are included in this post.
Winnipeg television interview is here, and is available only in Canada.
Radio interview begins about halfway into this mp3 file.
Radio interview with Michael Welch at CKUW in Winnipeg from 7 February 2014 is linked here. The link includes a few minutes from my presentation a night earlier. The full presentation is scheduled to hit YouTube later today (21 March 2014). I’ll embed here when it is available.
I read from Going Dark and subsequently responded to questions at a local bookstore. Clips from my reading and Q&A, respectively, are embedded below.
My 18 March 2014 radio/television interview with Thom Hartmann is embedded below
In contrast to Hartmann’s professional interview, disparagement of my work continues in other mainstream outlets. Nafeez Ahmed launches an attack from his blog at The Guardian on 18 March 2014. Ahmed cites the work of Scott K. Johnson and Michael Tobis, reaching as far as to call each of them a scientist. Ahmed wants to save industrial civilization — he references his book, A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilisation: And How to Save It — while failing to note that only complete collapse of industrial civilization prevents runaway climate change. Propping up industrial civilization has always meant promoting omnicide, but even the conservative scientific community finally acknowledged the link between industrial civilization and runaway greenhouse about five years ago with Tim Garrett’s paper in Climatic Change.