About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
K-5 curriculum for the post-carbon era
Echoing the influential American educator John Dewey, contemporary educational scholar Nel Noddings argues convincingly that all citizens should be able to surmount the minor obstacles imposed by failures in carpentry and plumbing by the time they graduate from secondary school. Better yet, she argues, we should encourage and facilitate the interests and talents of every student at every level of education, even if they do not fit the two-dimensional liberal-arts model. Yet for me, twenty years were needed before I could overcome the biases and prejudices built into our narrowly focused educational system.”
The quote is from one of my recent books, and I use it here to introduce a K-5 curriculum for the post-carbon era (warning: this is a large pdf file; html version is available here, courtesy of countercurrents.org, and it’s been posted by the folks at Energy Bulletin in condensed form here). This report is based on a semester’s worth of thinking and writing by two undergraduate students. I advised these two superb students on this independent-study project, which they sandwiched between full academic schedules and full lives.
I would love your critical review of this document. I suspect they would, too.