About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Kilroy Was Here
by Mike Sosebee, independent filmmaker
In time everything seems to runs it’s course, and the film Somewhere In New Mexico Before The End Of Time is approaching its conclusion. I ran an Indie-go-go campaign almost 2 years ago and people without a lot of resources stepped forward and were generous to a fault but that’s always been the case in my experience. There was one message that I’ve heard over and over again during the making of this film: “No-one wants to hear a story about the end of their world.”
They’re right of course. Denial is acceptable because “Everybody Knows.” But I see a civilization marching in stepwise fashion into oblivion and we seem powerless to even slow it down.
I put together this documentary in order to create a record of what was going on when we passed this way: Call it my “Kilroy Was Here,” moment. In the beginning I didn’t know Guy McPherson well. I know him well now and I find him to be a kind and decent man compelled against his best interests to tell a tale that no-one wants to hear. He is a Cassandra in the truest sense of the word and his story was worth telling.
But there are others like him and here I name Michael Ruppert. Mike has given up his health, well-being and whatever hope for financial security for the sake of telling the truth and he has woken more than a few of us up. Now it’s time to help out your brother.
Today Mike has put his welfare at the tender mercies of his public and that is the definition of “heroic.” We need Ruppert’s voice, which brings me back to the film. The film has been sold and delivered to 29 countries around the world and I am now down to the last 100 DVDs I intend on selling over the internet. After cost there will be $1,000 net that I have pledged to Michael Ruppert. I am sending him $100 today. I am not reprinting the disk and after whatever touring is done over the summer I will be closing down this project. I never intended for it to become a hobby-horse but after two years it certainly began to feel like one.
My knowledge of near-term human extinction, with which I agree, hasn’t led me to surrender to “hedonism” as Guy likes to say. Instead it’s awakened in me a responsibility to do what I can in my little part of the world with what time I have left.
I have committed to another project starting in the fall having to do with the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) wicked plan to steal water from the Great Basin Aquifer in northern Nevada to funnel it south to flush toilets and water golf courses in Las Vegas. SNWA borrowed Mulholland’s playbook in stealing water from the Owens Valley almost 100 years ago. Remember Chinatown? The consequences of the pipeline will be the destruction of the last pristine high desert ecosystem in North America and the indigenous cultures of the Shoshone/Paiute that have lived there durably for millennia. The SNWA Pipeline will be the largest single public project in human history. Like the Titanic, it will be the metaphor of our time.
A few lines from poet Dylan Thomas come to mind:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.