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Mailbag: Perpetual-Motion Machines and Beyond

O speculators about perpetual motion, how many vain chimeras have you created in the like quest? Go and take your place with the seekers after gold.

~ Leonardo da Vinci


please review Oceanic Anoxic Solve and CO2 solve – perpetual motion automobile Anoxic solve at and fuel solve at

There is no solution to abrupt, irreversible climate change. Creating a new source of fuel certainly doesn’t fall into the category of solution.

perpetual motion automobile

Any perpetual motion machine violates the Laws of Thermodynamics. The Laws of Thermodynamics are called laws for a reason. They are not strong suggestions.

not a heat cycle

please review

Science fiction

no sir

simple physics

No, thanks. I have a life.

good day oh by the way the oil permits are false and the government is a felon charged internationally also refuning the law of the disclosure

had to fix a fart bomb sequencing in the methane hydrate release is also correctable with applied physics

Right. So the people with billions and the people in government aren’t interested because they want to die. Makes perfect sense that you’d know and they’re clueless.

Sir they didn’t want to incarcerated under federal law being the failed governmental appointment that’s why they have been determined way ward psychiatric patcients in need of flying saucers listed at

Are you in the psych ward? Is that why you know?

no sir i’m an angel actually have observed diffent time frames of your self at range.




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