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Means of Extinction: Conspicuous Consumption


BBC, 20 May 2021: Could humans really destroy all life on Earth?

Nature, 17 December 2020: Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass


Figure 3 of Elhacham et al. (2020): Contrasting key components of global biomass and anthropogenic mass in the year 2020 (dry-weight basis). The ratio between the circle areas within each pair represents the corresponding mass ratio of the two illustrated masses. For visual clarity, the two pairs use different scales. The plastic estimate includes plastic currently in use and plastic waste, taking into account recycling. Infrastructure includes the mass of constructed elements, such as roads.


Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Article:

McPherson, Guy. 2021. Rapid Loss of Habitat for Homo sapiens. Academia Letters Number 498, 1 April 2021.


Book Published Recently:

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Academic Pursuits. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


Mugs, tote bags, iPhone cases, tee shirts, and other pragmatic goods affiliated with NBL are available on Redbubble. I do not earn money from these items. Indeed, they have returned far less money than it cost to create and distribute them. I list them at the bottom of posts in this space in support of my artistically inclined partner, who created them.

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