About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
NTHE Question
What do people think of the slogan and campaign briefly described below?It’s been discussed on the Climate Progress blog.
The designer, Milton Glaser (who did the I heart NY slogan), was on CBC national radio last month and made the point that Global Warming sounds like something comforting to those not understanding science (97% of people maybe?). He suggests it should be Global Dying, and that acknowledgement was the most important step in effecting any type of change, according to the Buddhists. Could be he was reading NBL. Right after he was on the air, they brought on a “happium” (maybe a good term for the mandatory optimism plague) climate science physicist who lied about the extent of the catastrophe and stated his opinion that the message was much too gloomy and would create depression, helplessness and inaction (as if that isn’t what we already have). I think he should modify the words to read IT’S NOT ABOUT WARMING IT’S ABOUT DYING since the literalists, of which there are many, are pointing out that the statement about the warming is not factually correct.
McPherson’s 26 September 2014 interview with Cynthia Fernandes is described and embedded here