About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
NTHE Question #15
If you do not currently own land, and lack the financing required, do you conceive of a time where you would risk shortening your date with extinction to acquire land (i.e., by occupying vacant unfarmed land), in defiance of local or national laws OR if you currently own land would you invite others to share that land, again in defiance of the law, and defend that position by force of arms if necessary, because of the moral imperative to do so? Given that I own land and believe subsistence farming is the most (and possibly the only), righteous life; the answer for me is yes. But not quite yet.
Mark Thoma’s film, 22 After, is embedded below. Mark welcomes feedback: mpthoma2003@yahoo.com. I encourage you to post the link on social media: Spread the news!
22 After from mark thoma on Vimeo.
Climate change and the methane crisis: An interview with Dr. Guy McPherson, Dorsi Diaz for San Francisco Examiner, 26 August 2014