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Mailbag: Threats, Lies, and TSA Precheck

If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die ~ Maya Angelou   I am not interested in providing clickbait for the many people who libel, slander, and defame me. As a result,…

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More Linguistic Gymnastics

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~ Douglas Adams   I like words. I like composing words into sentences. Sometimes I can be quite clever at it.   I recently took the liberty of completing a few common…

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Completing Common Expressions

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed ~ Friedrich Nietzsche   Many common, pithy expressions seem unfinished to me. I’ve taken the liberty of completing a few of them. I could go…

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Extinction Rebellion!

Rebellion per se is not a virtue. If it were, we would have some heroes on very low levels. ~ Norman Thomas   We can accept our fate with grace or we can rebel. I’m a huge fan of rebellion,…

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