Q&A Stevens Point
The Q&A video embedded below was recorded 15 August 2018 immediately after my presentation in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. The presentation was similar to the one from two days earlier in Ashland, Wisconsin.
Q&A Ashland
The Q&A video embedded below was recorded 13 August 2018 immediately after my presentation in Ashland, Wisconsin
Radio Kingston Interview
I was interviewed by Jimmy Buff for Radio Kingston in Kingston, New York on 22 August 2018. The audio result is described and embedded here.
Radio Curious Interview, Round Two (Part II of II)
I was interviewed by Barry Vogel for Radio Curious on 12 August 2018. Part II of the two-part interview was conducted immediately after Part I, which was posted last week.
Q&A Cornucopia
The Q&A video embedded below was recorded 12 August 2018 immediately after my presentation in Cornucopia, Wisconsin. The presentation was similar to the one from the following day in Ashland, Wisconsin.