Why Am I Here?
I would rather die of passion than of boredom ~ Vincent Van Gogh When asked why we are here, the inimitable American author Kurt Vonnegut frequently quoted his son Mark and also his uncle. The former individual, between stints…
I would rather die of passion than of boredom ~ Vincent Van Gogh When asked why we are here, the inimitable American author Kurt Vonnegut frequently quoted his son Mark and also his uncle. The former individual, between stints…
I was interviewed for Margo's Healing Corner on 17 March 2017. The result is embedded below, with my thanks to Margo. I was interviewed by Dougie the Abolitionist on live radio in Atlanta, Georgia on 18 March 2017. The…
Civilization, like an airplane in flight, survives only as it keeps going forward ~ Edward Abbey My interpretation of Cactus Ed's line: Must go faster. This is a defining element of every civilization, including the current, industrialized version. Civilizations…
I was interviewed on 28 February 2017 for Extinction Radio. The episode aired 8 March 2017 and can be heard here. A video teaser created by Rick Siegenthaler is embedded below, followed by the video versions of the entire interview…
I was interviewed by Steven Spencer on 2 March 2017 for his podcast. It aired here on 4 March 2017. It can be heard on iTunes here.
My March essay for the Weekly Hubris was posted Wednesday, 1 March 2017. It can be read here.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits ~ Albert Einstein People often ask why I speak and write about abrupt climate change leading to near-term human extinction. If we can't fix it, why bother…