Paul Henry Interview on New Zealand Television
I was interviewed by Paul Henry for New Zealand television the morning of 24 November 2016. An archived version is described and embedded here. It’s also all over YouTube. For now, it’s embedded below.
I was interviewed by Paul Henry for New Zealand television the morning of 24 November 2016. An archived version is described and embedded here. It’s also all over YouTube. For now, it’s embedded below.
I was interviewed for Safe and Sound radio in New Zealand on the cusp of my speaking tour in that country. Listen and download here.
I was interviewed by Michael Welch for the Global Research News Hour. The hour-long radio interview is described and archived here.
In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it is perched ~ Paul Ehrlich I have a few suggestions, if you're interested. But first, please accept an apology on behalf of my self-absorbed…
I'm reposting below a short essay that first appeared in this space on 17 August 2016. Titled, "Lies My Culture Told Me," the essay seems relevant to the recent presidential election in the United States. I begin with a brief…
I was interviewed by Gary Null for the Progressive Radio Network the evening of 18 October 2016. See the details and listen here.