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The Endless Task of Dismantling Ignorance and Stupidity

Jeff Masters, the climate guru at Weather Underground, has come up with "The Top Ten Reasons to be Hopeful on Climate Change." Actually, Masters is merely quoting from his favorite presentation at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union…

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I Am Che

"At the risk of seeming ridiculous let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love." ~ Che Guevara   I am Che. Too pretentious? Please allow me an explanation. I've been called Che. And…

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Send in the Clowns

by Alton C. Thompson A fire broke out backstage in a theatre.  The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded.  He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater.  I think that's just…

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Two Wealthy, One Good

It's been a year since my fund-raising campaign. Some readers probably remember Frank Friedrich Kling offering to match donations up to $2,500. The target was met within a few days, with my profound thanks. I've written to Mr. Kling a…

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Beyond Happiness

The birds are silent in the woods. Just wait: Soon enough You will be quiet too. "After Goethe" by Robert Hass, American poet and professor of poetry What does it mean to be happy? The simple definition, according to Merriam…

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So Stupid It Berns

Had I not already offended everybody I know, and many people I don't, I'd hesitate to post this essay. I'm an equal-opportunity offender, as I've written often in this space. My latest example, though likely not my last, is offered…

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Six Paths to Near-term Human Extinction

Loss of habitat for human animals could result from at least six different factors rooted in civilization. Some are nearer than others. Half fall under the broad category of abrupt climate change. Two of the remaining three fall under the…

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