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NTE: Two Lives Prevented

by E. Farber Let me start by saying that I'm not writing this essay for the purpose of publicly flagellating myself, nor am I appealing for sympathy. My purpose is to communicate the degree to which I have internalized the…

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The Seventh Stage: A Documentary Film

Ivey Cone created a documentary film dedicated to the seventh stage of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief. I wrote about the seventh stage early October 2015. The film relies upon the disparate perspectives of ten people with respect to…

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The Wave Crashes

Herman Hesse opens his 1919 novel Demian with the following few lines. I wanted only to try to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so difficult? And then, about three-quarters of…

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Long Live Those Who Will

by T. Ripton This isn't a last-ditch effort from a dying girl attempting to placate her own woes or worries. This essay is written in celebration. I say this unlike most all others have ever said or meant it before:…

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What I Believe, Redux

I've copied below an essay I posted in this space on 29 July 2008. It's posted verbatim, and is preceded by a brief, contemporary introduction and also an embedded song. There's much more, too, at the bottom of the page.…

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