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I Am Dead. Won’t You Join Me?

by Grant Schreiber, who writes of himself: "I remain Grant Schreiber, in the great city of Chicago where one can see civilization in the death throes up-close. Despite city streets there is a lot of green, a thriving coyote population,…

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Which is Worse?

by Alton C. Thompson To continue with the question posed by my title: Recognizing Problem X, but not recognizing the problem’s degree of seriousness, and making announcements of one’s knowledge/research findings that lull those who hear or read them into…

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Various Video

The video clip embedded below popped up on my screen this morning. It's extracted from an interview in January 2014. Linked here is video from a presentation I delivered in Lonay, Switzerland on 23 April 2015 (embedding is disabled). Big…

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Honorable Pursuits?

I don’t care whether the world’s going to end tomorrow or it’s going to go on forever. What difference does it make to me? I’m still going to do the same thing I do every day which is to love,…

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Love, Power, and Dominance—For ASGs & ESGs

by Bud Nye, R.N., M.S. Introduction If “only love remains”, how do we go about loving each other while in hospice? Some people probably insist that we can and should “just do it”, perhaps based on instructions and commands found…

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