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Fiddling While Rome Burns

by Alton C. Thompson The fire, in 64 CE, that destroyed much of Rome came to have associated with it the claim that then-Emperor Nero “fiddled” while the city was burning.  Although Italy gave birth to the violin, this did…

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Where Are They? The Creatives of Our Generation

by Emma Fenton It’s a peculiar dilemma in a world which is becoming increasingly globalized by the minute, revolutionizing our mass media and transforming connectivity into a virtual network where another individual on the other side of the planet appears…

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How to Feel Better

by Reese Jones The world seems to be falling apart ... WHAT TO DO? In contemplating near-term human extinction, if one believes it to be coming to pass shortly, there is likely a terrible inevitability that can wrench the gut…

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Recent Presentations

30 September 2014, California State University, Chico, California, embedded here 29 September 2014, "World Development" course, California State University-East Bay, Hayward, California, classroom appearance embedded below in four parts 28 September 2014, one of four panelists for a local television…

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Only Love Remains

Most people would say I'm not religious. I'm not spiritually religious, although I exhibit some behaviors in a religious manner. I refer to myself as a free-thinker, a skeptic, and occasionally an indifferent agnostic or a militant atheist. So the…

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Yet More NTHE Questions

Apart from NTE, is there any significant philosophical issue at the present time? ** Is there anything redeeming about the path that got us to this point (the last oh, 10,000 years or so) in regards to now figuring out…

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