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Edge of Extinction: Faster than Expected

I was interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Company on 12 June 2015. The result is embedded here, with my eight-minute session beginning at the 2:19:55 mark. The recording might be limited to residents of Canada, although I don't know for…

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The Best Possible of All Worlds

by Alton C. Thompson The quote above is taken, of course, from Voltaire’s Candide ou l’Optismisme [1759].  But it was originally a statement made by philosopher Gottfried Leibniz—the purpose of Candide then being to satirize Leibniz’s philosophy. Now, if that…

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Reframing Death

by WoodWose A tribe once roamed the mountains of modern day Iran (some of them still do) -- they are called the Bakhtiari -- they are shepherding nomads: proud, resourceful, tough as nails. They moved each and every year, as…

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