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Widening Circles: Awakening through the Dying Time

by John Eastcott, who facilitates the Work That Reconnects. Eastcott thanks Joanna Macy and everyone who has contributed to the healing our world. I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not complete…

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Edge of Extinction: Mine Tailings

For about a week, somebody has been promoting my work on various social-media platforms and an email distribution list. I received this email message from the person this morning: "Very disappointed this morning Guy. I am gonna keep watching from…

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Presenting in Rhode Island

I was the first of three panelists discussing abrupt climate change on the University of Rhode Island campus in late February 2015. The video recently became available and is embedded below. It was shot and edited by Pauline Schneider. My…

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Edge of Extinction: Take Action

______ I was interviewed by Reverend Billy from the Church of Stop Shopping last Thursday morning. The interview will air Wednesday, 3 June 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern on WBAI radio in New York City. Catch it on the Internet…

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Primary Emotions, Reactive Emotions, and Defenses

by Bud Nye People often express great frustration and incredulity regarding our society’s general tendency not just to fail to notice the massive, compelling evidence of global heating with its abrupt climate change, ecological, economic, peak oil, and nuclear collapse…

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Edge of Extinction: Endocene

I was interviewed for The Peoples Voice by Dylan Murphy. The article appeared yesterday, and can be read here: Capitalism threatens all life on the planet - Interview with Professor Guy McPherson. It was mirrored at Dissident Voice. The title…

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