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Mt. Rushmore as Symbol

by Alton C. Thompson I have a coffee cup that has pictures of wildlife on the side, but whose side is dominated by a picture of Mt. Rushmore, in South Dakota.  I probably acquired the cup on a trip that…

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Motivated by Evidence

I’m often questioned about my motives for writing and speaking the unspeakable. More often, my motives are disparaged without question by people under the influence of the dominant paradigm. I understand that the burden of my message is great. I…

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The Promise of American Life

by Alton C. Thompson It has been said of Herbert Croly’s The Promise of American Life that: If any one book can be said to offer a manifesto of Progressive beliefs, it was Herbert Croly's The Promise of American Life.…

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Facilitating Emotional Change in ESGs

by Bud Nye, R.N., M.S. Introduction Why facilitate emotional change? From an early age we have all known that we would die: the ultimate emotional issue. Even so, it seems that most of us have usually avoided deeply, emotionally believing…

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Scientists and “Pipe Dreams”

by Alton C. Thompson “ . . . 17 of the world’s leading climate scientists have worked out a simple but challenging solution: the world, they say, must turn by mid-century [i.e., by 2050 CE] into a zero-carbon society.”  So…

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