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Love and Death

by oldgrowthforest,  a senior citizen living near Wasilla, Alaska. She lives with a tiny standard poodle named River, and a devastatingly handsome but troublesome mutt named Arlo.   I lost a great love recently. It was sudden. The eldest of…

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A Deep, Deep Sadness

by Reese Jones Whether one believes in climate change or not, or that humanity can indeed scale back greenhouse gas emissions and maintain stable, livable global temperatures, there still seems to be a prevailing undercurrent of sadness, hopelessness and even…

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Finding True North

by td0s at Pray for Calamity One of the great dangers of the life indoors, is the anesthetizing effect it has on a person. When we aren’t out in the world, we aren’t present to watch the dying. Attempting to…

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How Scott Johnson Gets It Wrong

Johnson's essay is a series of ad hominem attacks disguised as a blog post. With his out-of-date post, at least 40 self-reinforcing feedback loops ago, Johnson has overtly declared himself a mouthpiece for imperialism. I'll explain briefly. 1. Johnson believes…

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