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Parts Two and Three from Chico: Abrupt Climate Change

The second and third components of my recent presentations about climate change in Chico, California are embedded below. These parts include abrupt climate change and subsequent Q&A. From 20 November 2014, they address abrupt climate change, and are provided by…

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Mixed Media

Are Humans Going Extinct? Truth-Out, 1 December 2014 Two days later, I'm heavily quoted in this piece: Change the world or the end of the world Even Paul Craig Roberts takes note in an article posted 3 December 2014: Thinking…

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Two Panel Discussions

I participated in a public panel discussion on 28 September 2014. It's ancient history, but it's posted below. It took place in California, and it preceded a much-abbreviated panel discussion broadcast on the local television station (posted earlier in this…

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California Excursion

My work is mentioned periodically and favorably during Dahr Jamail's 19 November 2014 interview with Thom Hartmann. It's embedded below. 19 November 2014, radio interview embedded below 21 November 2014 letter to the editor in the wake of my presentation:…

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Easy Living

The disparagement of my work, hence of me, reaches a fervent pitch during a speaking tour. Although I love interacting with new people, any road trip brings me to the attention of deniers who react harshly. And not merely to…

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Mentioned in a Few Outlets

McPherson was interviewed 31 October 2014 in New Zealand. Podcast is here. _______ McPherson is the "Bad-news bearer" according to today's Chico News-Review _______ McPherson's work is mentioned in this article: Will humans go quietly into extinction — and soon?…

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New Zealand Again

Robert Atack shot video while Kevin Hester and I were interviewed in a radio studio in Kapiti, New Zealand. The result is embedded below. Post by Robert Thankyoufornotbreeding Atack. ______ An article based on my recent trip to New Zealand…

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