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Presenting in Olympia, Washington

My tour along the coasts of Oregon and Washington was an unqualified success, and I was able to interact directly with several hundred people. Thanks to the eclectic combination of generous people who provided local transportation, housing, food, venues, interviews,…

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The Last Stage: Acceptance

by Jonathan DeJong I have been a pretty aware collapsitarian most of my life. I’m 51 and can remember watching films about jungles and oceans and all manner of eco-system topics in elementary school wondering why every film we watched…

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Thinking About Thinking

by Geoffrey Chia By way of preamble, I begin with an insulting message to Professor McPherson: Dear Guy, I understand some people have called you insane. They are quite right. By the standards of the prevailing establishment you are completely…

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Attitude During Collapse And Living In The Wild

by Bud Nye, who retired as a psychiatric nurse and from teaching high school physics, chemistry, and biology. He now works at learning and practicing permaculture, natural building, and living in the wild. This idea clashes severely with the narcissistic,…

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Time to Get Out the Rat Poison

by Geoffrey Chia The Pilgrim's Progress Continues ... Billy Pilgrim, courtesy of the Tralfamadorians, fell through a crack in the fabric of time and started hopping about the temporal landscape. Similarly we too are jumping back and forth between articles…

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Picking Cherries

I'm routinely accused of cherry picking information about climate change. I plead guilty, with the following 1,000-word disclaimer and recognition that everybody else picks cherries, too. One of the differences between me and the others: I admit my bias, and…

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