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Sea Gypsy Tribal Principles

by Ray Jason at The Sea Gypsy Philosopher As the old man’s cayuco nudged up alongside AVENTURA, I sensed that there was something different about him this morning, but I couldn’t quite place what it was. He greeted me with…

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What is Your Calligraphy?

by Jonathan DeJong I wrote this essay for a collapsitarian group I belong to on Facebook. I was struck by the myriad little kingdoms even we climate-aware folks have compartmentalized ourselves into. I was somewhat despondent at the lack of…

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The Meaning of Life to an Armadillo

by Geoffrey Chia The genesis for this ancient essay arose during internet discussions with the "meaning of life and everything society" or MOLES chat group under the pseudonym Gandalf. Many years later his essay was published in the Australian Rationalist…

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Mechanistic Progress; Holistic Wisdom

by Eamon Farrelly Solving a problem relies first upon a trustworthy identification of the problem. This can be easy with simple problems, like a flat tire. It can be extremely difficult with complex problems such as climate change or the…

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The End of the World: A Drama in Verse

Twelve original poems by Jason Frank COBBLESTONES I don’t know, but I’ve been told The streets in Heaven are paved with gold. They wrote that in the Holy Writ When Italy was paved with shit, Mud and blood and bricks…

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Toward an Ethic of Listening

by Vincent Kelley, a radical activist, student, musician, and meditator who currently attends Grinnell College in Iowa and is an organizer with One Struggle. Can you remember the last time you just listened? For those of us in this culture,…

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