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The road to the future leads to the past

by Ray Jason at the Sea Gypsy Philosopher An ordinary sunset was about to turn extraordinary. AVENTURA was resting between voyages -- way down south in the Banana Latitudes. We were anchored in a cove so serene that the birds…

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Presentation in Boulder, Colorado

I delivered a presentation on climate chaos in Boulder, Colorado on the evening of Wednesday, 16 October 2013. The result is embedded below, with thanks to hosts and facilitators Jenny Ferry, Jenelle Green, Dan Green, Deanna Meyer, and Patrick O'Leary…

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I'm asked to speak very frequently. Sometimes these are simple affairs in a single city with few events. But very often they are multi-city speaking tours with several events. It's overwhelmed my organizational abilities, which were sketchy to begin with.…

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Presenting in Three Rivers and Fresno, California

My latest attempt at stand-up tragedy is embedded below. It's based on my 5 October 2013 presentation in Three Rivers, California. My presentation is about 30 minutes, and subsequent Q&A accounts for the remaining 40 minutes or so. Big thanks…

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The Sprawling Dictates of a Maniac Gone Sane: Debt Revolution

by Gregory Vickrey, a consultant in the environmental and political arenas who can be reached at Who would have thought that the United States government could be lead grassroots organizer in a campaign for sanity and economic collapse? While…

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Climate chaos in four minutes: a video update

Presented without further comment is a short video that reviews contemporary knowledge of climate change. The video was shot last week by Pauline Schneider. The oft-updated print version of relevant information remains here. Guy-3Min from Pauline Schneider on Vimeo.

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