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In Praise of Pantheism

by Ray Jason at The Sea Gypsy Philosopher It has been 23 years since a mystical experience jolted my consciousness. But the memory of that event remains so vivid, that it could have been only 23 seconds ago. AVENTURA and…

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Video Clips, an Essay, and an Interview

The two clips embedded below were shot by Pauline Schneider a month ago. They are part of a documentary film she is creating. My latest essay for Transition Voice was posted today. "As the Empire declines it gets nastier" is…

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The Absurdity of Authenticity

I'm often accused -- or credited, depending on one's perspective -- of leading an authentic life. As nearly as I can tell, the accusation or accolade refers to the following definition from Merriam and Webster: true to one's own personality,…

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A Last Hoorah on My Way Out the Door

by David Goza, who teaches World Music at the University of Oklahoma. At age 63, he has probably outlived his sell-by date by at least a dozen years. This somewhat longish essay may constitute a farewell of sorts: not so…

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Collapse: Exposing the Truth

by Michael Thomas, and originally posted at Exposing the Truth Since I was a kid, I have heard people talking about various forms of collapse. The most often mentioned form of collapse is economic collapse, normally implying something like the…

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