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The selfish surrender of privileged people

A letter by Stephanie Jo Kent, who writes at Reflexivity Dear Guy, When I first read your response to my last letter, I thought you sabotaged the attempt to steer people to my blog. At the very least it seemed…

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From Subsistence to Resistance

by Norris Thomlinson; an earlier draft of this essay appeared here I cried today. Not once, not twice. Maybe I cried eight times. I'm not even sure how to separate one cry from the next, when my heart carries sadness…

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Collapse Awareness and the Tragic Consciousness

by Jamey Hecht, Ph.D. Infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide. Industrialization is destroying the world. Resource depletion, pollution, and climate change will make industrial civilization impossible much sooner than is generally admitted. It is traumatic to realize this,…

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From the Bottom Up and the Inside Out

by Sherry Ackerman I don’t think too many people are going to argue with the claim that the world is in a mess. It’s definitely a time when we need to re-vision our direction and make some course changes ...…

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Kilroy Was Here

by Mike Sosebee, independent filmmaker In time everything seems to runs it's course, and the film Somewhere In New Mexico Before The End Of Time is approaching its conclusion. I ran an Indie-go-go campaign almost 2 years ago and people…

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Savanna Louise Rose O’Malley McPherson

My family had a dog when I was growing up. Shorty arrived when I was in elementary school, though I don't remember exactly when. A short, homely terrier of dubious heritage, she was an excellent, adventurous traveler. She loved camping…

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