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Kill the economy

by John Duffy I want to start this with the written equivalent of a sigh. Not even a sigh, but a deep expulsion of exhaustion from the very core of my being. Usually I try to write with flowery prose,…

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Presenting in Amherst

Tonight's event on the University of Massachusetts campus was livestreamed and is embedded below. Viewers are subjected to a short advertisement. Video streaming by Ustream _____________ My presentation was subject to simultaneous interpretation by two American Sign Language interpreters. One…

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Speaking in Louisville, and a Couple Essays

I delivered a keynote address for the Bluegrass Bioneers on Friday, 2 November 2012. With thanks to Ben Evans for the video and also to Justin Mog and Amanda Fuller for hosting my stay in Louisville, the video is embedded…

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The Third Industrial Revolution

As Derrick Jensen points out, this "culture as a whole and most of its members are insane." I continue to be surprised at the number of people who believe in infinite growth on a finite planet. I continue to be…

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Justice, American style

by Sherry Ackerman I was summoned to jury selection a few days ago. Now, you have to realize that this is about the fifth time in a year that I’ve been called to come in. I live in Siskiyou County,…

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