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Media Update: Audio, Video, Print, and “Print”

Audio I was interviewed for The Refreshment Center's radio show on Friday, 1 February 2013. The interview is embedded here, although most of my interview was lost to a techno-disaster. I'm scheduled for another visit in a few weeks. ______________…

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Theater of the absurd

En route to Tucson for a two-day visit last month, I retrieved my mail from the local post office. Included was one of the few Christmas/New Year letters to appear this year. Apparently you have to write them to receive…

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by Geoffrey Chia, a cardiologist in Brisbane, Australia My favourite author, the much loved and much missed American Humanist, dear old departed Kurt Vonnegut, was a masterful practitioner of the poignant and ironic turn of phrase. His essay "Cold Turkey"…

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Hidden cost of toilet paper

by Emily Stewart For most of us, it's hard to imagine a world and a life without toilet paper. But actually, less than a third of the global population uses toilet paper daily. And as it turns out, foregoing the…

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Conspiring for climate chaos

I was interviewed by Rob Daven at Conspiracy HQ a few days ago. The video failed, but the audio worked and is embedded at this link. The interview with me begins at 17:15. The topic: climate chaos. The approach: address…

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The Death of the Dream

by Aleigha, college student by day and radical dreamer by night The Dream is dead now. Buried there, somewhere within the parameter of that white picket fence. They came the other day, wielding the news that our dream had grown…

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