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To make our mere existence an act of rebellion

by John Duffy At dawn, the temperature inside my tent began to steadily rise. After forty-eight hours on virtually no sleep, twelve of which were spent trudging through the hundred plus degree Texas afternoon, brambles snagging at my legs while…

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Presentation in Petone

The video clips embedded below represent a typical recent presentation. Lately, I'm reminded of these words from philosopher Søren Kierkegaard when I deliver a presentation: "A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the…

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Global madness

Television anchor Edward R. Murrow is credited with this expression: "Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." Murrow understood the power of…

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A warm reception in a cold country

I'm back at the mud hut after delivering a dozen presentations in as many days in New Zealand. The trip also included a few interviews. This cryptically brief post merely relays results from my trip into the damp, cool winter…

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Why homeschool: Learning from real life

by Jennifer Hartley This is the second essay in a series on the topic of why our family is homeschooling (Part I is here). I’ve been thinking about all the many, interconnected reasons that my educational philosophy has been taking…

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On being a radical

You probably recognize this symbol, though you might have forgotten its name: √ When I write the symbol on the whiteboard in a class, and ask what it is, the response is invariable: "The square root." I respond, "Yes, its…

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