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TEDx Talk in Tempe, Arizona

I presented a TEDx talk on the campus of Arizona State University on Wednesday, 25 January 2012. The Barrett Honors College hosted, and Ashley Irvin was the facilitator. I gave an autographed and inscribed copy of Walking Away from Empire…

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The myth of sustainability

I'm couchsurfing Michigan and somebody posted one of my 15 presentations (so far) on YouTube. It's an updated version of my September 2011 presentation in Middleville, Michigan and I'm presenting here without further comment. ___________ A few recent interviews associated…

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Endings and beginnings

by Robin Datta Endings mark the beginning of a new state, different from the preceding one, just as beginnings indicate the end of a prior state. Each is a discontinuity discerned against a background that is unaffected by the discontinuity.…

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Toward an Economy of Earth

We need to develop a new economy because the current version is not working. The industrial economy is destroying every aspect of the living planet. And, as it turns out, we need a living planet for our own survival. In…

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Open thread

With thanks to Peter Kim for his thoughtful and atypical contribution, I am offering this space for commentary on items unrelated to his post.

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