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Couchsurfing part 2

I promised to provide additional video based on my visit to Wisconsin and Michigan last month as they became available. With this post, I reluctantly submit to my earlier promise. This video clip was shot with a handheld camera in…

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My one demand

by Jinger Dixon, global trends analyst and contributor at Trends Research Reloaded I was recently asked what I thought the “one demand” should be for the OWS protest. That’s a tough question. I’ve seen many lists of the things people…

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Emotional Morons

by John Rember, who blogs at MFA in a Box 1. In the 1951 short story, “The Marching Morons,” science-fiction writer C.M. Kornbluth postulates a far future where smart people have been outbred by stupid ones. As a result the…

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Membership has its privileges

by Mike Sliwa, who blogs at Chasing a Different Carrot with his wife Karen We spent three months at the mud hut and lived to tell about it. My wife Karen and I were fortunate enough to spend most of…

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All of the Above

Timothy Scott Bennett's novel, All of the Above, was published in August 2011. If you've been paying attention, you recognize the author's name: Bennett and his partner, Sally Erickson, put out the superb documentary film, What a Way to Go:…

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Couchsurfing with my soapbox

My recent foray to Wisconsin and Michigan had me staying five different homes, hence sleeping in five different beds and eating at many different tables. It was quite an exciting adventure, spent with wide-awake people, and I hope to repeat…

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I am not Troy Davis

by Anonymous On the street yesterday in my city I saw signs, held by people of many races, economic backgrounds and political affiliations, that said "Not In My Name" and "I Am Troy Davis". I know, without a doubt, that…

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