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Defending agrarian anarchy

I can scarcely believe agrarian anarchy needs defending from anybody, much less me. After all, this close-to-nature, close-to-our-neighbors approach was the Jeffersonian ideal for the United States, as evidenced by Monticello and the occasional one-liner from Thomas Jefferson: The result…

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Catching up

This brief post is used to point out three former activities and one future one. I present them as I live: in chronological order. My July essay at Transition Voice summarizes collapse-related information. I am featured in this article from…

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I don’t know shit

I was in the garden last week, digging a new bed with the aid of the two WWOOFrs, Mike and Karen. We excavated to the usual depth -- that is, until exhaustion stopped us -- then installed a hardware-cloth "basket"…

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Salt Lake City activism and necrophilia

By an anonymous contributor who describes himself thusly: “A somewhat non-late terrestrial mind mutated species of formerly silica architecture fusion and inorganic slab construction, erected by the musculotoic legions of the late Twentieth Century industrial feudal dynasties -- interior western…

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Unto the third and fourth generations

by John Rember Everything we write depends on an imagined future. It’s not too much to say that narratives are like icebergs: nine-tenths of the meaning of a story lies not in its words, but in the past and the…

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End of the lie

by Aleigha, high-school student by day and radical dreamer by night "... and I can’t take it anymore, Aleigha. That’s why I’m leaving. I’m taking what I can carry on my back and my wife and I’m leaving." I think…

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by the virgin terry my response to collapse is very different from those of u intent on preparation and maximizing your survivability during and after. i think some of u are sadly deluded re. how long, rough, and severe a…

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