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Vietnam is our future

by John Rember 1. In the fall of 2010, it’s still possible to buy two round-trip plane tickets from the west coast of the United States to Vietnam for two thousand dollars. Once there, it’s cheaper than staying home. A…

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Tinkerers on the scaffolding, or the recovery of ecstasy

by Sandy Krolick, who blogs at kulturCritic The tame and domesticated contours of civilized life have eclipsed our sense of the feral in everyday experience -- that irrepressible anchor of human embodiment, our elemental interlacing with nature, “that subtle knot…

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Reality bites

The BRICS are making their move to shove aside the U.S. dollar (although their own troubles might interfere). The dollar dump is particularly timely in light of recent recognition that U.S. credit verges on junk status, and rates lower than…

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This must be a nightmare

by Kevin Moore Like most people who grew up in Britain in the 1950s or 1960s, I was trained to believe in a "better, brighter future" that could be achieved via continuing advances in technology. Having no reason to doubt…

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Health care in a post-collapse world

by John House, who blogs at Health by Dr. House I can't begin to count the times that I've thought about the collapse of the industrial economy. Even before I knew that such a thing was not only possible, but…

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Partial understanding on planet Easter Island

The recent S&P downgrade of U.S. debt is yet another example of a circus sideshow in a nation filled with clowns sleepwalking off a cliff. Ben Bernanke, the master of ceremonies in the most ridiculous show on Earth, has come…

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