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My Dad, in 1984

by Danny Showalter I remember the presidential election between Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale. My Pop hated Mondale. That was 1984, and I was seven. I'll come back to that after a brief digression. I grew up in rural Indiana.…

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Praying for peace, promoting war

A Christmas card from one of the in-laws was unintentionally soaked in irony. I'll skip the rant about celebrating Christ and mass, the two components of Christ's mass (i.e., Christmas) in which I don't believe, much less celebrate. And, too,…

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I have no choice

by Peaceful Life, a humanitarian activist living in the United Kingdom Whether it's systematic dinosaur bureaucracy fueled by greed and ignorant arrogance or a lineage of agenda steeped in cowardly filth is not my concern. It's broken. It doesn't work,…

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This collapse, my art, and what I think I can see

by L.A.W., a well-traveled artist-educator living in Ohio I recently read that Michelangelo stopped making art for two years because the Republic of Florence was under attack and he understood it to be his duty to contribute whole-heartedly to the…

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I was enjoying lunch with a former student and long-time friend yesterday after walking across campus on a gloriously sunny day in the American Southwest. I mentioned to my friend the resurgence of "fashion" among young women -- women without…

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We’re Toast

When people tell me the dire messages about which I write don't resonate with other people, I struggle with a coherent response. Would you prefer continued overshoot on an overshot planet? Would you prefer we keep heating our overheated home?…

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