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The race is on

Everywhere I turn, I read and hear about $200 oil in the near future (here's one recent example, from somebody who should know better, here's another from hyperinflation guru Gonzalo Lira, and here's another from historian Niall Ferguson. Investors are…

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C-REALM radio interview

Late last week I was interviewed by KMO for the C-REALM radio show. The resulting podcast runs about an hour, and it's posted here (go directly to podcast here). All comments welcome, all the time. My monthly essay for Transition…

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Rewild or Die: a paradoxical read

Rewild or Die is the title and the ultimatum of a book written and published in 2010 by Urban Scout (aka Peter Bauer). The author asked me to review the book here, and I am accommodating his request. Expectedly, Rewild…

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Consensus and Other Realities

by John Rember _____________ Note: I apologize for the Ten Best format of my essays. I'm trying to generate ten, ten-item essays, at which point I'll try to publish a little book titled A Hundred Little Pieces about the End…

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Another road

by Ed's Apprentice Everybody thinks about his or her purpose in life. I figure going into their twenties most people think that purpose is pretty significant. However, getting out of their twenties -- and I'll be there soon -- I…

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Demise of the Dollar

The U.S. dollar continues its journey from Brobdingnagian to Lilliputian stature, and the latest trade report is a prelude to the dollar as microbe. The Prime Mover in this case is King Ben, who has the helicopter on track for…

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Starting Over

Judging from my email in-box and the occasional comment in this space, my essays have taken a surprising turn. It seems my efforts are worth alerting the authorities, at least according to comments from anonymous cowards who hide behind online…

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