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The people vs. the United States

by the Arctic Circle Collective Something is wrong, and the signs of it are everywhere. Somebody flies a plane into an IRS tax office in Texas, and millions of people around the country cheer, while the media speak of a…

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Or Die Trying

I wrote an entire book on the life of the mind, if you can imagine that. A significant portion of the book was dedicated to the importance of a liberal education, and I've written about that topic in this space,…

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Extinction Event?

The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media. How important? First consider…

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Media alert

UPDATE: Thanks to John Stassek, who recorded and sent a copy, the audio file is archived here. I'll be interviewed by Shane Tyree on From the Right Radio Monday, 31 January 2011. The show can be heard live only, at…

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Third time’s a charm?

Kurt Vonnegut often described World Wars I and II as western civilization's first and second attempts, respectively, to commit suicide. He hinted at peak oil as our third attempt in his memoir, Man Without a Country, which was published shortly…

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Talking about oil in Oil City, USA

I presented in Austin, Texas, 9 January 2011 under the title, Durable Living: Preparing for Climate Change and Energy Decline. Free and open to the public, the event was sponsored by Design~Build~Live and Crude Awakening Austin, and attended by about…

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