Explained: Trisos et al. 2020
https://youtu.be/rvjQ7m0NDHk Nature, 8 April 2020: The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change
https://youtu.be/rvjQ7m0NDHk Nature, 8 April 2020: The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change
On 1 July 2021 I was interviewed on Fault Lines radio by Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan. I was asked questions that I would have loved to answer. Alas, I was cut off each time. The archived show is here.…
My July, 2021 column for Weekly Hubris was published today. My essay was inspired by George Carlin and his "seven words you can't say on television."
https://youtu.be/CXfx_qPgexY The video embedded above is the 16th in a numbered series of videos that collectively summarize the Self-Reinforcing Feedback Loops section of my long essay, "Climate-Change Summary" (previously, "Climate-Change Summary and Update"). After a brief introduction, this is…
https://youtu.be/Gzq4w76vKII The Guardian, 23 June 2021: IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report Al Jazeera, 23 June 2021: Leaked UN draft report warns of accelerating climate devastation Earth System Dynamics, 18 July 2019: Young…
https://youtu.be/j1fmEApzj-o Phys.org, 1 June 2021: Ancient volcanic eruption destroyed the ozone layer Communications Earth and Environment, 12 April 2021: The Toba supervolcano eruption caused severe tropical stratospheric ozone depletion Science Daily, 15 December 2019: Exoplanets can be made less…