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Panel Discussion in New York City, 25 August 2024

On the night of Sunday, 25 August 2024, Professor Emeritus Guy R. McPherson participated in a panel discussion in New York City, New York. The panel was titled Are We Doomed? It was brilliantly moderated by Daniel Pinchbeck. Other participants included Douglas Rushkoff, Doug Henwood, Bob Eisenberg, and Vicki Robins. The resulting video can be viewed on Pinchbeck’s YouTube channel and also on the Nature Bats Last Substack.



Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Article:

Guy R. McPherson, Beril Kallfelz-Sirmacek, James Massa, William Kallfelz, and Ricardo Vinuesa, June 2023, Results in Engineering: “Environmental thresholds for mass-extinction events.”

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