About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Reminders about economic collapse, love, hope, and making other arrangements
I’m headed to the mud hut for a long weekend. Comments on this blog, the absolute cluelessness of the mainstream media, and my email in-box suggest I should issue a reminder or two before I leave.
If you’re still in denial about economic collapse, check out this article, bearing in mind that we’re not halfway into the housing mess, the bank failures have only begun, and the vaunted American consumer is stretched like 2-pound-test fishing line with 20-pound bass on the hook.
If you think I don’t understand hope and love, check out the posts here and here.
And if your idea of making other arrangements is to contact me periodically, promising to show up at the mud hut when it all comes down, read (or re-read) this post. And remember: At the mud hut, we’re heavily armed.