The video embedded below, along with the draft script and supporting links, can be freely…
Rizzle Out, YouTube In (”Extinction Monologues”)
The Rizzle experiment failed. I had intended to prepare a series of short videos for the Rizzle Studios project under the auspices of the Nature Bats Last Rizzle account that can be found here. I posted three videos, each less than one minute long, as mandated by Rizzle. These videos were based on my earlier work, with emphases on brevity and humor.
The number of viewers and Followers were too low to justify continuation of my work on Rizzle. However, pursuit of this project inspired me to create short, (attempted) humorous videos. These videos will be posted on the Nature Bats Last YouTube channel, unconstrained by the 60-second limit imposed by Rizzle.
These videos will be announced in this space as “Extinction Monologues” and they will focus on the absurdities of human life as we hurtle toward extinction. The first of these videos is embedded below. Future “Extinction Monologues” videos will follow, with announcements in this space upon their release on YouTube.
Latest Peer-Reviewed Journal Article:
McPherson, Guy. 2021. Rapid Loss of Habitat for Homo sapiens. Academia Letters Number 498, 1 April 2021.
Book Published Recently:
McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Academic Pursuits. Woodthrush Productions, New York.
Mugs, tote bags, iPhone cases, tee shirts, and other pragmatic goods affiliated with NBL are available on Redbubble. I do not earn money from these items. Indeed, they have returned far less money than it cost to create and distribute them. I list them at the bottom of posts in this space in support of my artistically inclined partner, who created them.