About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Salt Lake City activism and necrophilia
By an anonymous contributor who describes himself thusly: “A somewhat non-late terrestrial mind mutated species of formerly silica architecture fusion and inorganic slab construction, erected by the musculotoic legions of the late Twentieth Century industrial feudal dynasties — interior western North America influenced by Leary, Bageant, etc.”
Note: This essay was finalized and submitted the 25th of July 2011, the day before Tim DeChristopher was sentenced.
I heard that it is culturally acceptable to use profanity at a funeral. Since language helps approximate reality I was fond of expressing as a Salt Lake troubadour in residence for a long lonely cold while how “corporatism” profited through the life killing privatization apocalypse horses: greed, fraud, fear, and death. Yet due to energy scarcity for large mammals, death was already here for a long time and just evolved into global multi-national non-governmental profit structures due to so many automaton extroverted people burning resources like oil and everything else. There has been no market value on intellectualism for a long time. Governments probably never really have protected life-sustaining public interests because death had arrived soon after agriculture as culture. Culture has usually been used to dominate resources most prized of all being beauty for the hyper-sexual testosterone driven ape. Religions, mythology, and ignorance were created through culture in order to mobilize conquering other tribes. Though the egg and chicken evolved together the latter seems to have destroyed the former.
Socrates (perhaps) said that goodness has mixed motives, truth so fragile hides in lies, so beauty is easiest. If women are not dead and are the truth or truly beautiful they certainly hide behind a phenomenally hard opportunistic exterior of empty lies. In time everything becomes karma. Now tasteless Stockholm syndrome schools, hospitals, big stores and suburbia, (critical thinking civic responsibility death to community prisons) -– are the only growth industry. Karma killed the age of reason with conformity.
Bearclaw said that there were “no tracks” on a woman’s breast the hardest rock known to mother earth probably because her greatest daughter died a long time ago crushed under great pressure to be possessed like a diamond. The Buddha (perhaps) warned that possession leads to suffering and to give up attachments, materialism, reptilian minded addictions, to set suffering and love free.
Life has been the drunken stagger bouncing back from the dinosaurs with more novelty, complexity, organization, and esoteric creatures that came about from struggles between parasites vs. hosts, genetic dead ends vs. adaptation, dominators vs. nurturers, conformists vs. alienated intellectual shamans, noise vs. music, noise vs. silence, tastelessness vs. art, power and corruption vs. no possessions, energy consumers vs. energy givers, type A careerists vs. life preserving values, entertainer vs. artist, automatons vs. intellectuals, chickens vs. eggs, extroverted camaraderie vs. friendship, possession vs. love, immediate gains vs. long term strategies, centralizers vs. decentralizers, white sorcery inventions of fire vs. life preserving cultural values (all faded flowers from the failures of abundance, debt, wasteful industrialized servitude to mindless growth), like Phoenicians vs. their forests, rational profit economy vs. (feeding, housing, healing and educating people), more unloved babies vs. Krishnamurti, and so on. Put it on my grave: “Complainer”.
Culturally described “alpha” males are now just type-A sociopath automaton sexual opportunist technocratic corporate courtesan fiefdom cartel employees to real ownership, capital, and production, the historical spawn of whomever killed off the now rare alienated neurotic intellectual shaman or female equivalent. Extroverted ADD utopian schemes and movies still culturally attempt to possess beauty and an 80-year-old planetary mother’s vanishing face. Now all life truly suffers. The dark specter of death came for who we thought we were and could be a long time ago.
There are two variant frequencies of the species extrovert and introvert — they clash. A common cultural response from dumbed-down globalist less than neo-feudal slaves is “you’re hurting my mind” — symptom of little biodiversity for you. At public entertainment events, Americans can’t even make eye contact because the eye fears the pervasive tastelessness and shame of death and death acts which have no warmth or intimacy. The fascism of the market value of Chaplin’s empty Orwellian smiles in a country where no one can possibly be happy with endless tasteless drama and chatter — fill the air of the dead and disconnected.
White men invented dollars as a weapon of mass possession of beauty and love that died in a vile conformity so long ago. Yet broken men plod on too dumb and uncreative to notice. Organizing local empowered intellectual congresses that evolve communities that challenge local fiefdom gatekeeper globalist cartels of professional never had a creative thought in their lives oldest profession rapist: lawyers (who’ve codified and regulated every aspect of your life to strictly serve the profit state), bankers, politicians, educators, accountants, doctors, “business interest risk averse systems managers”, neo-colonial economic imperialists, etc. Until there is an organized counter-force, a movement that empowers the thoughts of intellectuals who challenge “intelligence” with “intellect”, then the internet, media, and all the machines will never be more than too much information, sewers, necrophilia parlors, …. The book of Solomon and Dostoyevsky mentioned that a person goes insane without meaningful work — bipolar, schizophrenic. The negative feedback loop of working only to make money is a straight line to the meaninglessness of hell not empowerment and life -– described so accurately by Katherine Austin Fitts, class war Joe Bageant, gift economy Charles Eisenstein, Chomsky, Nader, Hedges, E. Warren, etc. How people can work hard for profit but not care about anything warm is a symptom of the sickness of extroversion.
As the informed readers of this blog likely know a bidder 70 Tim DeChristopher has national attention with his activism and intellect. A small group of concerned citizens have rallied with him sentenced on July 26th — refusing a plea-bargain — organized mainly through a local Unitarian church nexus which many non-church member intellectuals participate in — recently even a few moms among others risked felony charges by flying out to the department of interior to protest the privatization and exploitation of lands by the merged corporate profit structures as government bureaucracies. Tuesday another rare American Salt Lake protest will be absorbed by the deafening conformity of the corporate state empowered by the local dominant religion in order to protest Tim’s sentencing by yet another corporate courtesan employee-in-drag judge.
Tim’s courage came because the shaman is already tortured and alienated from love aware of his prison unable to change who he is or adapt. Nature rewards courage, creativity, leadership and organization with novelty not afraid of risk yes men. Maybe there are some local women left in the gene pool who can still create beautiful music and tremendous silence and break free of their hearts by at least coming out and giving Tim a kiss on the cheek for once again acknowledging that it all really wasn’t your fault –- and that you were the truth at one time before the real first profession of rape.
Don’t give into unpragmatic quantum distraction, contemplation of the gemini past creating the future or the novelty of the future and nature pulling creation and life beyond Quetzalcoatl’s morpho-genetic event horizon pleiadian rainbow cosmic giggle 2012 plumes of black hole infinite light and synchronistic unified theory yoga or whatever fad paradigm consciousness shift myth …. Who gives a fuck when time is a fake healer and one cannot live without love and there are so few left worth loving in a land of zombie roaming ghosts and broken people ready at any chance to dry hump marble counters, etc.. I digress with three meditation ohms of we can’t even get people to stop eating from cans or speculator Buffet or any leadership to provide any employment to get even the broke countries’ privatized rail up to an 1860’s level ohm –- FUCK!!!.
I doubt that even if all the mindless pimp owners of Utah assembled all the copper from Kenecott and salt from the lake or captured shocks from all the climate chaos atmosphere storms the voltage could ever be strong enough to bring your traumatized dead whore hearts back to life. You truly became the tasteless nothingness the dead universe sprang from.
Living off-grid away from the deafening noise of dead whores roaming a dead planet with mindless pimps may be less boring than you think. To be rocked gently by waves on an Orlov like sailboat or perhaps try an expatriate friendly WWOOF farm (though some are scams too) or a Nick Rosen documented approach, …. The frequencies of the sun, nature, and Ravel’s sad laments will have to do for company.