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Science Update: Climate Scientists Overtly Lying?


Inside Climate News: Many Scientists Now Say Global Warming Could Stop Relatively Quickly After Emissions Go to Zero


MIT Technology Review: The pandemic taught us how not to deal with climate change


Environmental Research Letters, a peer-reviewed journal: Maximum warming occurs about one decade after a carbon dioxide emission


Excerpt below is from page 30 of Clinical Psychology Forum, a peer-reviewed journal, published September 2019 and titled, “Going halfway: Climate reports ignore the full evidence, and therapists ignore grief recovery:”

Convincing the masses that something can be done to slow or reverse abrupt, irreversible climate change encourages the masses to forgo consumption of fossil fuels. ‘Keep it in the ground’ is a rallying cry for activists, but admitting to the majority of the population that the situation is irreversible, doubtless would discourage people from leaving the fossil fuels untouched and ‘in the ground’. This is one means by which the calories unconsumed by the ignorant masses are left to the informed, presumably wealthy individuals.


Scientists, like other people, sometimes lie. Foremost among the reasons is retention of privilege. Like other people, scientists want to be publicly acclaimed, a desire that sometimes leads to lies. Patterns regarding scientists and their lies were described by Stanford researchers in 2015.


Oh, Mann: An overview of Mann’s lies from a post published 25 July 2017


Climate Tipping Points: Fact-Check: is “global dimming” shielding us from catastrophe? This paper ignores dozens of self-reinforcing feedback loops (some of which are described here) and also peer-reviewed papers on the topic of the aerosol masking effect by Levy et al. (18 January 2013), Rosenfeld et al. (8 February 2019), and Chakraborty and Lee (18 July 2019). These papers, combined with interviews associated with the paper by Rosenfeld et al. were pointed out in the following analysis: The McPherson Paradox, Very Briefly (for complete evidence, follow hyperlinks to articles, peer-reviewed and otherwise). James Hansen indicated via video that “the aerosols only stay up there five days … they’re going to fall out and then we get the full warming.”

There is quite a difference between five days and a ten years. Some climate “scientists” obviously are more interested in obfuscation than evidence.



Published Recently:

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Academic Pursuits. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


Latest peer-reviewed journal articles:

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Near-Term Loss of Habitat for Homo sapiens. Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews 3(4):216-218.

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. The Means by Which COVID-19 Could Cause Extinction of All Life on Earth (pdf). Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies 7(2):711-713.

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. The Role of Conservation Biology in Understanding the Importance of Arctic Sea Ice (pdf). Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews 3(3):147-149.

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. The Myth of Sustainability (pdf). Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews 3(3):117-122.

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Trees Cannot Sequester Enough Carbon to Slow Abrupt Climate Change. Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy (pdf) 6(4). DOI: 10.31031/MCDA.2020.06.000641

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Earth is in the Midst of Abrupt, Irreversible Climate Change. Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences Research 2(2).

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Will COVID-19 Trigger Extinction of All Life on Earth? (pdf). Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews 3(2)2:73-74.

McPherson, Guy R. 2019. Going Halfway: Climate Reports Ignore the Full Evidence, and Therapists Ignore Grief Recovery. Clinical Psychology Forum 321:28-31.

McPherson, Guy R. 2019. Becoming Hope-Free: Parallels Between Death of Individuals and Extinction of Homo sapiens. Clinical Psychology Forum 317:8-11. The full paper is linked here.


Books Published Recently:

McPherson, Guy R. 2020. Another Voice Crying in the Wilderness: My Homage to Edward Abbey, in three formats:

Signed, inscribed edition (includes postage and handling within the United States). These copies will be signed by the author and inscribed to whom you wish (e.g., “To Bill and Jane …”).

Paper edition

Electronic edition


McPherson, Guy R. 2019. Only Love Remains: Dancing at the Edge of Extinction. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


McPherson, Guy R. 2019. Revised Second edition of Going Dark. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


Pauline Panagiotou Schneider and Guy R. McPherson. 2018. Revised Second Edition of Ms. Ladybug and Mr. Honeybee: A Love Story at the End of Time. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


McPherson, Guy R. 2019. Revised Second edition of Walking Away from Empire: A Personal Journey. Woodthrush Productions, New York.


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