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Science Update: Continued IPCC Conservatism and Lies


The Guardian, 23 June 2021: IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report

Al Jazeera, 23 June 2021: Leaked UN draft report warns of accelerating climate devastation

Earth System Dynamics, 18 July 2019: Young people’s burden: requirement of negative CO2 emissions

Targets and Indicators of Climatic Change: Report to the Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases (AGGG) by Rijsberman and Swart (editors), October 1990: Targets and Indicators of Climate Change

David Spratt, Climate Writer and Speaker, October 2014: Dangerous Climate Change: Myths & Realities


From “Targets and Indicators of Climatic Change,” edited by Rijsberman and Swart and published by The Stockholm Environment Institute in October 1990
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