About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
So, when do we get that ‘Peace Dividend’?
by gregg brazel
and seas of this turbulent world. I hope you and yours are managing to
maintain your sanity and lives in these dreary days. I wish with all my
being for nothing other than the madness to end, RIGHT NOW!
I don’t consider myself a “blogger”; in fact, I don’t even like the word. I just pound out some observations that wind up posted here or there, so I truly appreciate Guy offering to publish these words. My readership is very modest, which is not a concern. This as an exercise in mental health …. a way to get some of those nagging disturbances “out there” so I can move on to other things.
So you’ll note I’m a bit peeved. You see, the Peace Laureate has launched one more little war of aggression to seize yet another cache of valuable resources coveted by his financiers, that is, the ruthless but highly organized global crime syndicate that he fronts. This despite the fact that while politicking in 2007 and 2008, the Peace Laureate and constitutional lawyer repeatedly proclaimed, thereby demonstrating that he knew, the truth: only Congress has the power to make war; waging it unilaterally is illegal and unconstitutional, and smacks of dictatorship. But as we all know, what a candidate says is much different from what s/he actually intends, and dictators don’t rule “democracies”.
Yes, another “humanitarian war” (ah, please come back for a visit, Mr. Orwell. You’d be astonished) has been conjured up through the blessing of the UN, this time in oil-rich Libya. So it goes. The apologists and enablers who continue to provide cover for this wanton slaughter, and the unaccountable miscreant who solely brings it forth, should knock it off already. Seriously, if you believe in God or karma or fate or just being on the right side of reality, you would condemn this madman with equal vigor as you might have the psychopaths and mass murderers who came before him, from whatever nation they came.
Dead children and their families care not a whit if their murderer is Republican or Democrat. To allege it is impossible for Obama to quit launching his lethal bombing raids on defenseless, innocent villagers — that somehow the Republicans are forcing him to commit these atrocities — is a terrible lie.
There is no conceivably legitimate reason to continue and expand this wholesale destruction and irradiation of an entire region. Not national security, nor “humanitarian intervention”, nor even barbaric vengeance for some previous act can explain it away. No, Obama could stop his savage slaughter campaign this very minute if he wanted to. Why doesn’t he? Because he doesn’t want to. That’s all there is to it, people. To say or believe otherwise is fallacy, political rhetoric, and rationalization of totally unnecessary killing on a grand scale.
What does this deliberate terror campaign say of the man? What sort of creature is this? How much longer will we as a nation permit and condone such crimes against humanity? Will you fall for the “lesser evil” ruse and vote for one of these heinous villains again in 2012? Or will you put your foot down and show that they have no consent to rule you or deliver your children’s futures into the hands of their demonic backers?
In related news, a bit of poking ‘round the nuke power industry reveals that — surprise! — big biz has been in bed with big gov for decades, conspiring to conceal the obvious dangers of nuclear plants and the resultant waste. There’s big money (as in, your money) in them thar silos, folks. Gotta get them time bombs built, even if they do kill off legions of plebes who pay for them!
The greatest propaganda coup of the last century must be the successful propagation of the meme: “there’s no such thing as conspiracy”. Average people are convicted of “conspiracy to” this or that every day in this nation. They are then sent off to rot in the world’s largest, and for-profit, corporate gulag, along with 2,297,400 of their country -men, -women and -children.
But law only applies to the commoners. The elites, almost invariably, skate on by. Their crimes are so unconscionable, so grotesque, odious and unfathomable, that the mind boggles at the audacity to such a degree that these serial killers are actually congratulated, richly rewarded, and finally celebrated as heroes at their funeral pageants.
Dear lord, insanity does rule this world.
I think we are each given only so many free passes in this life, so many “that’s the way it is”-es, a limited supply of “it’s out of my control”-s, before we are officially “with them”. I believe that, yes, God — however you define that being or concept — really is watching.
Fight the good fight, brothers and sisters.
gregg brazel is a designer, builder, and traveler. He lives in Michigan and plans to WWOOF in Mexico. An earlier draft of this essay appeared at his website.