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Typical presentation

The pages below are excerpted from the presentation I delivered to the Sixth Annual Gila River Festival in Silver City, New Mexico on Friday, 17 September. Click on one of the seven pages to view it. With apologies for the…

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Muddling along

After a woefully inept introduction, this essay forces me to stare into the abyss of planet-destroying myth. If you believe we're headed for a muddle-through future in which we correct massive ecological overshoot with the tranquility of Buddhist monks, this…

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The risks of fiddling

American Empire provides bread, circuses, and all the toys we (think we) need, stolen from other countries and future generations. I can understand why people are reluctant to abandon the empire. In exchange for inhabiting a cubicle, you get to…

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Making Other Arrangements: I’d Like to Help

Now that my own living arrangements are in order -- to the extent that's possible in light of ongoing, accelerating global climate change, decline of American Empire, and demise of the living planet — I would like to help other…

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The agenda revisited

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. (Arthur Schopenhauer, one of my philosophical heroes) ______________________ Based on recent comments in this space, and also in…

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